What Was That I Said About the Meeting?

Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. PYB directly to:

More WWDC!

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We’re Meeting in Person, Once Again!

Yes, you heard that right: we’re meeting in person! At Di-No Computers, in Pasadena.

Meeting time is the same as it’s been: 7:00p – 9:00p. Do your best to get to Di-No before meeting time, to keep entrance simple and straightforward.

Di-No can be found at 268 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena; their phone number is (626) 795-6674. Their Web site is here: https://di-no.com/

Looking forward to seeing y’all in person once again!

And yes, we’re still meeting on Zoom, for those who can’t make it to Di-No. PYBT: https://www.sgvaug.org/ if you need the Zoom gory details.

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Tech Check!

The July General meeting is coming up!

We’re finally meeting in public (at Di-No) but, as we did last month, we’re also meeting on Zoom and all you need is your computer or device, and the Zoom app. If you’re planning to attend on your device, download Zoom from the respective app store. If your computer is your choice, download the Zoom client.

The meeting itself will be from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, as usual (Monday, 15 July). However, since Zoom can be a bit obtuse at times, Chris Keller will be hosting Tech Check before the meeting, starting at 6:30 pm. He’ll be answering questions, offering advice, and doing his best to make sure everybody has a grand time!

Presuming you have Zoom downloaded, PYBT: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7266439791?pwd=eE9nNVJpSTRzMkIvcVU5ZXlzZUF4UT09. You’ll also need the following bits of data:

Meeting ID: 726 643 9791
Password: 377070

When you arrive, you’ll be in the waiting room; Chris will open the door to the meeting room from there.

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Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing

Besides finally meeting in person, we are, once again, meeting on Zoom. It’s worked pretty well so far, best we can tell (if you attended, or tried to, and didn’t have a good time, please let us know).

If you’ve not been with us recently, or you’re planning to use another device, you’ll need to re/download the Zoom app.

On the iOS side of the house, you can use an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has iOS 8.0 or later. To download the client from the App Store, PYBT: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zoom-cloud-meetings/id546505307.

On the Android side of the house, PYBT: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings. And that’s all I know about that. If anyone has suggestions or corrections, by all means, let me know!

On the Mac and Windows (and Unix/Linux?) sides of the house, proceed directly to the Zoom Download Center, https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting, and click the Download button.

When meeting time comes, PYBT (on your preferred machine): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7266439791?pwd=eE9nNVJpSTRzMkIvcVU5ZXlzZUF4UT09.

In case you get asked (you shouldn’t, but you know how that goes, some days…), here are the login credentials:
Meeting ID: 726 643 9791
Password: 377070

(Re)Joining and the Drawing
As you may have noticed in the meeting post, the drawing is back! We’ll be using the same ticket-drawing routine as we did in person, but the payment method will be a little different.

We’ll be using Apple Pay now. You’ll be sending funds to our intrepid treasurer, Mo! (as it used to be said, Go see Mo!), and they’ll make their way to the group from there.

If you’re on an Android phone, or don’t use Apple Pay for whatever reason, you can use Google Pay, PayPal, or Zelle.

Ticket prices have not changed: $1.00 for one, or $5.00 for six.

And yes, if you are joining us, or re-upping your membership, Go see Mo!! Dues are still $30.00 for the year.

To get ready to make payments on your iOS device, there are two steps: Set up Apple Cash and learn how to send money with Apple Pay:

Set up Apple Cash: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207886.

Send money with Apple Pay: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207875. The number to which you’ll be sending the payment will be made available at the meeting.

Stay tuned for Google Pay and Zelle recommendations.

Depending on the source of the prizes, they may be physical, they may be electronic. If electronic, give/e-mail Mo! the e-mail address you’d like the info to be sent. If physical, we’ll mail it; you choose and, again, get the preferred address to Mo!

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July 15th General Meeting

More WWDC!

There’s been even more gossip, rumors, speculations, etc. since our last meeting, about what Apple’s got coming up. Well… we’re gonna hear even more about it all this month!

If you still know know what’s good for ya…

See ya there!

Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.

Apple News & Updates


Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing includes an Apple gift card, a Take Control e-book, another Take Control e-book, a bamboo Tap card, a wireless charging mouse pad, and a mystery Apple gift card.

Be on the lookout, on the Web site, for the Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing post, which will have the all gory details on how the remote drawing (among other things) should work.

The meeting will, finally!, be held in person! Join us at Di-No Computers, 268 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena; meeting time is, as always, 7:00p. We’ll still be be meeting on Zoom. The gory details are here: Tech Check!

The Meeting after the Meeting is back with us. Hang on in Zoom, after the General meeting, and chat with everyone!

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Upcoming Meeting Dates

As I’m sure y’all have heard by now, the Pasadena Library is closed, possibly forever. Never fear, we are continuing to hold general meetings. They follow our long-standing schedule, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. on the third Monday of the month, and are being held at Di-N0 Computers. Di-No is now at 268 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena.

We will still be conducting the meetings on-line, as well, using Zoom. The Zoom client is available for Mac and Windows (via your browser) and iOS and Android (on their respective stores). PYBT to download the client for your computer: Zoom client.

The meeting link and password will be posted closer to meeting time in the Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing post. Keep your eyes peeled.

The Meeting after the Meeting is also virtual (for now). We stick around in the Zoom chat room after the General meeting and have at it!

July 2024 15th third Monday
August 2024 19th third Monday
September 2024 16th third Monday
October 2024 21st third Monday
November 2024 18th third Monday
December 2024 16th third Monday

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June 17th General Meeting


There’ve been tons and tons of gossip, rumors, speculations, etc., lately about what Apple’s got coming up. Well… we’re gonna be hearing about all of that from them that oughta really know: Apple! We’ll be getting reports and quotes and all, this meeting.

If you know what’s good for ya…

See ya there!

Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.

Apple News & Updates


Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing.

Be on the lookout, on the Web site, for the Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing post, which will have the all gory details on how the drawing (among other things) should work.

The meeting will be conducted on Zoom. The gory details are here: Tech Check!

The Meeting after the Meeting is back with us. Hang on in Zoom, after the General meeting, and chat with everyone!

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May 20th General Meeting

Let Loose!

Apple has a lot of new stuff, soft and hard, coming down the pike, and had lots of tales to tell about it all. And yes, we had folks there taking extensive notes, which they’ll be sharing with us.

Gonna be darned interesting; looking forward to seeing y’all!

Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.

Apple News & Updates


Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing.

Be on the lookout, on the Web site, for the Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing post, which will have the all gory details on how the drawing (among other things) should work.

The meeting will be conducted on Zoom. The gory details are here: Tech Check!

The Meeting after the Meeting is back with us. Hang on in Zoom, after the General meeting, and chat with everyone!

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Home Screen Improvement for iPhones

Apple’s latest iOS update is reportedly set to introduce a feature which Android users have had access to for years.

Don’t know ’bout you, but I have long wanted/needed to be able to arrange icons on my iDevice screens with spaces between them. Had noticed that Android users could do it, and wondered why the heck I couldn’t.

Well… looks like Apple has *finally* gotten around it it!! Woo Hoo!

Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman notes that Apple’s iOS 18 update would allow phones to have a “more customizable” Home Screen page. Apple is reported as being set to announce the latest iOS in June later this year at The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).

Yay! Can’t wait!!

For all the gory details, PYBT: Apple is finally set to add feature that Android phones have had for 15 years.

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April 15th General Meeting

Eclipse Report!

Were you able to experience it in totality?

If not, have we got a topic for you!We’ll be getting a report, complete with photos and videos, barring acts of tech gods’ rotten intervention.

If so, you might be able to add to the excitement!

Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.

Apple News & Updates


Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing.

Be on the lookout, on the Web site, for the Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing post, which will have the all gory details on how the drawing (among other things) should work.

The meeting will be conducted on Zoom. The gory details are here: Tech Check!

The Meeting after the Meeting is back with us. Hang on in Zoom, after the General meeting, and chat with everyone!

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