Author Archives: kodac

Mozilla sets World record

It’s official, Mozilla set the World Record for most downloads of an application in 24 hrs. From their Web site – “Thanks to the support of the always amazing Mozilla community, we now hold a Guinness World Record for the … Continue reading

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October General Meeting

Here’s advance notice. For our October 20th meeting we’ll be having software vendor Prosoft and they will be talking about their line of utility, backup, and recovery software. It’s been almost 2 years since Prosoft has joined us for a … Continue reading

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July General Meeting

At last month’s meeting we saw a preview of the new world of mobile communications that was promised with the July 11th release of the iPhone and At our July 21st meeting we will be able to experience first-hand … Continue reading

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Happy 4th of July

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Independence Day. We’ll see you in a couple weeks at our next meeting.

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Mozilla attempting World record

The Mozilla Group, makers of the popular Firefox and Thunderbird software are attempting to set a Guinness World Record for most internet downloads in a single 24 hr period with the release of Firefox 3. Firefox 3 Download day will … Continue reading

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In other news …

Apple announced at WWDC that the newest major update to Mac OS X will be available in a about a year. The new update called Snow Leopard appears to geared toward performance and will be the first Mac OS since … Continue reading

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June General Meeting

MOBILE INTEGRATION FOR THE REST OF US Now Apple has created a new synergy of mobile communications and computing. With the release of the new iPhone and the conversion of .Mac to “Mobile Me” Apple will combine both portable computing … Continue reading

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Next MacDayLA is May 31

Here is an Update on the local Mac Event – MacDayLA… (The piece below is from MacDayLA. Any “we” or “us” refers to them – MacDayLA) The next MacDayLA is just 2 weeks away, on May 31 (which is not … Continue reading

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May General Meeting

SGVMUG General Meeting – May 19th, 2008 Time: 7:00 pm Location: Pasadena Public Library, Main Branch Auditorium Topic: To Be Confirmed Presenter: To Be Confirmed

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Reminder for MacDayLA – tomorrow, Saturday, March 22, 2008

The premiere of MacDayLA has a lot to offer. Even a couple of things for Windows users. • If you’re into music you’ll enjoy trying the Mandala 2.0 – a drum that attaches to Mac or PC via USB and … Continue reading

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