Category Archives: Apple

All the news about Apple !

iCloud Security Warning from Apple

Salient points from the article on the San Jose Mercury News: “We’re aware of intermittent organized network attacks using insecure certificates to obtain user information, and we take this very seriously,” the computer-maker said in a post Tuesday on its … Continue reading

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Huge for developers. Massive for everyone else.

Which, of course, refers to iOS 8. As Ars Technica’s Andrew Cunningham put it, “Overuse of hyperbole is a pet peeve of mine, but after using iOS 8 for a couple of months, I have to say that it’s warranted … Continue reading

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A Rumor That’s Panning Out!!

According to a post from Andrew Cunningham on Ars Technica: From the post: If the rumor mill is to be believed, new iPads will be the headlining item for the event, and we’ll also supposedly be getting the public release … Continue reading

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Apple’s Privacy Statement

A message from Tim Cook about Apple’s commitment to your privacy. At Apple, your trust means everything to us. That’s why we respect your privacy and protect it with strong encryption, plus strict policies that govern how all data is … Continue reading

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More Apple Goodies!!!

Spotted on ArsTechnica this morning: When it rains, it pours – Apple was silent for most of 2014 before dropping iOS 8, new iPhones, and the Apple Watch announcement on us last month. Now, Re/code says the company plans to … Continue reading

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iOS 7 Security Flaw

It lives in MobileSafari and affects, among other things, how PDF files are handled; this was fixed in iOS 8. Robert Lemos posted on ArsTechnica this morning: Can’t upgrade to iOS 8? Beware bugs in the system. However, it’s probably … Continue reading

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Don’t Upgrade to iOS 8 from iOS 7…

…until you’re sure it’s time; you won’t be able to get back. From AppleInsider this afternoon: After rolling out two point updates for iOS 8 earlier this week, Apple on Friday stopped signing iOS 7.1.2 firmware, meaning users who migrated … Continue reading

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New iOS!

So, you just downloaded iOS 8. Looks pretty familiar, right? Certainly, last year’s switch from iOS 6 to iOS 7 – which saw Apple ditch the iPhone’s tired, six-year-old interface and move to something more spare and clean – was … Continue reading

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Apple’s Got Your Back

#109350684 / Apple has updated its privacy policy as part of the rollout of iOS 8, announcing that devices with the latest version of the operating system installed can no longer be accessed by the company itself. Previously, as … Continue reading

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HealthKit and

And what are these? According to Matt Smith’s article on MakeUseOf: HealthKit is an application programming interface (API) built to help iPhone developers access and manage the user’s health and fitness. This takes the form of data like heart rate, … Continue reading

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