Category Archives: Tips

Tips & Tricks from SGVMUG members.

Tech Check!

The July General meeting is coming up! We’re finally meeting in public (at Di-No) but, as we did last month, we’re also meeting on Zoom and all you need is your computer or device, and the Zoom app. If you’re … Continue reading

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Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing

Zooming Besides finally meeting in person, we are, once again, meeting on Zoom. It’s worked pretty well so far, best we can tell (if you attended, or tried to, and didn’t have a good time, please let us know). If … Continue reading

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iOS 16 Tricks

“Apple’s iOS 16 update changed your iPhone. Here’s how to change it back, make it better and do more.” So tells us Heather Kelly, on The Washington Post: Lurking inside every major smartphone update are a mix of changes we … Continue reading

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iOS 16 Tricks & Tips

Updated your iPhone to iOS 16? Want to/need to change some stuff back to the way *you* like it? Interested in other stuff that can be done? Well, Heather Kelly, at The Washington Post, has some really cool answers for … Continue reading

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Save Yourself from Auto-Correct

Auto-correct: good news/bad news! I’m not going to share any horror stories; we’ve seen more than enough, I’m sure. There is hope on the horizon, however: Heather Kelly, from The Washington Post, posted a great article with tips and tricks … Continue reading

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iOS 15 Update Issues

A YouTube video you should be looking at NOW if you’ve updated your iDevices to iOS 15: Turn Off These iOS 15 Settings Now Thanks to Dave Whitby for the heads-up and the YouTube link!

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Did You Know?

Every now and again, you might need to know the resolution of your Mac’s screen(s). As Benj Edwards makes note, on How-To Geek: The resolution (in pixels by pixels) of your Mac’s display determines how much information you can fit … Continue reading

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Learn More Stuff

Y’all might be interested in attending the LAPUG (Los Angeles Portable Users Group), too! They get a bit techy-er than we do, but I’m told the meetings are pretty interesting! Their next meeting is tomorrow, 10 August, at 7:00p. PYBT: … Continue reading

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Did You Know?

How’s your home Wi-Fi these days? Fast enough? Stable enough? If you’re not as happy as you could be, there’s hope! Wired has a rather extensive collection of tips to get things moving: AS WE ALL shelter-in-place and work from … Continue reading

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Did You Know?

How many times have you been at the store lately, and totally forgotten to take off your face mask when it’s time use Apple Pay? Arrrgh! Fortunately, there’s a fix. Rocket Yard’s Steve Sande feels your pain: In the course … Continue reading

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