Category Archives: Tips

Tips & Tricks from SGVMUG members.

Should I Just Reinstall It?

There are times when reinstalling OS X seems like it might be the perfect/only/desperate thing to do. Justin Pot discusses various reasons you might want to do it, including: Why Not Just Reinstall Regularly? Everything Is Just… Broken When Your … Continue reading

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Battery Maintenance

Got a pre-mid-2009 MacBook or MacBook Pro? Calibrated your battery lately?? This is one of those good-for-your computer things you should know, and Dann Albright has several interesting steps you can take to keep that battery happy on MakeUseOf. PYBT … Continue reading

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Take Care of Your Hard Drive…

#463480719 / …it’ll take care of you. Joel Lee posted some good tips on MakeUseOf this morning; PYBT: How To Care For Your Hard Drives And Make Them Last Longer. Don’t bother with the SSD tips sidebar, though; it’s … Continue reading

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Are You Sleeping? Are You Sleeping? Network Down…

#159626676 / If you’re on Mavericks (OS X 10.9.x) and having an unhappy time staying connected to your WiFi connection when the Mac wakes up, Alex Heath, at Cult of Mac, feels your pain, and and has discovered the … Continue reading

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An iTunes Update Broke What?!!??

Did you upgrade Mavericks to 10.9.3 the other day? You may or may not have noticed a “little” bug, introduced by iTunes 11.2: Thursday’s iTunes 11.2 release contained a bug that was both inconvenient and risky: If you have Find … Continue reading

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Backup, Backup, Backup!!

You remember the second Mac commandment, don’t you?? The Sweet Setup recently went on a backup jag, and had some interesting things to say on the subject: The best app for making bootable backups of your Mac (SuperDuper!) The easiest … Continue reading

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So Your iPad Really Wants Office

It better have plenty of space available; if you install all three apps, you’ll lose about a gigabyte of space! Whew!! You could do a lot worse, I think, than starting here: How to Get Started with Microsoft Office on … Continue reading

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Still Waffling About Which Office Suite to Use?

There may or may not be hope. Microsoft announced yesterday that its Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) are now available for the iPad; if you want to do more than look at documents, however, you have to subscribe to Office … Continue reading

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I Wish I May…

As you may know, iTunes has a potentially evil feature, the Wish List. Evil, you say? Whatever do you mean? I don’t use the iTunes Wish List feature, but if you were to take a look at my wish list … Continue reading

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How Many *Have* You Used?

Ever notice the Utility folder, in the Applications folder, on your Mac? Go ahead, take a look… All kinds of interesting stuff in there, eh? 9 Useful In-Built Mac OS X Utilities You’ve Probably Never Used introduces nine utilities and … Continue reading

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