Category Archives: Tips

Tips & Tricks from SGVMUG members.

Macworld HELP DESK 01.17.2014

How Mac experts deal with their contacts brings together an interesting bunch of folk with some interesting takes on dealing with the issues; whaddaya think? Coulda, woulda, shoulda (well, coulda and shoulda, anyway) meet at How to (and why not … Continue reading

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Macworld HELP DESK 01.10.2014

Gack!!! My worst nightmare come to life: When good email disappears: Archiving old messages! Creating ringtones with GarageBand looks pretty interesting; might have to give it a try. If you’ve got an iPhone 5s, and a hankering to be a … Continue reading

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Macworld HELP DESK 01.03.2014

Just in time for the new year, Dr Breen presents 5 resolutions for a better digital life. Master the command line: Navigating files and folders provides a good introduction to dealing with UNIX, the workhorse behind the pretty OS X … Continue reading

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Useful Mac Utilities

Found a new Mac under the tree? Want your current Mac to perform some tasks a little better? Check out AppleInsider’s Apps for your new Mac: Useful utilities for some *really* handy little helpers.

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Macworld HELP DESK 12.27.2013

Got a new iPhone? Take a look at Get started with the iPhone 5c and 5s. What a compendium! And don’t neglect the subsequent pages. The weather outside is frightful, and if a digital Yule log on your HDTV is … Continue reading

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iPad How-To

Find an iPad under the Christmas tree? Business Insider has 15 Tips for New iPad Owners just for you!

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Macworld HELP DESK 12.20.2013

Hoping for a new Mac under the Christmas tree this year? Mac buying guide: How to pick the right computer runs through all the current Mac offerings, to help make the decision bright, er, right. Make sure not to miss … Continue reading

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Macworld HELP DESK 12.13.2013

First off, in keeping with this month’s program, Dr Breen continues his iMovie series with Exploring iMovie’s editing options, wherein he waxes eloquent on lots of ways to spiff up your initial iMovie efforts (two pages). And now that you’ve … Continue reading

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Macworld HELP DESK 12.06.2013

Apple’s seeming desire to eliminate optical discs from the face of the Earth notwithstanding, Automator workflow of the month: An easier way to burn movies to DVD offers an easy-to-follow workflow to get your video efforts onto DVD. Contemplating adding … Continue reading

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Use Gmail?

Ever hit the «send» button early? Here’s How To Undo A Sent Email In Gmail, posted on Business Insider, reveals Gmail’s not-so-obvious Undo Send feature. Yes, I tried it, and yes, it works! Give it a whirl.

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